Thursday, May 26, 2016

Getting close

Almost got out of town before the holiday weekend, 
but we were trying to rush too much into a short window of time so I decided to wait a week.  
Probably good not to drive on a holiday weekend anyway.
Floor guy was here working on the floors.  
I pressed my face to the window today, looking good from here!

Bailey does not like the flooring guy, his sander is noisy.  
But she has her safe spot on the brake she likes to sit when he is here.

Some small touch up stuff and the cleaners this weekend plus the gardener will be here. 
Then we will be ready to list.  
We are signing the contract on Tuesday, and listing on Wednesday. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

RV parking

Years ago when we purchased this house our priority was good school district and RV parking.
In Bellevue there is a rule, if you want to park your RV at home,
 you must park to the side or the rear of your home. 
There are no alleys in town for access to back yard.

Most houses the building is too close to the property line to fit a small car let alone a RV.

The bush helps me to not hit the edge of the roof when parking.
We actually  put a gravel driveway in and the grass has popped up thru the gravel.

Basketball Hoop

Finished the Basketball hoop

This what it looked like when I arrived.

I pressure washed it, but it still had issues.
The post had some rust, and the metal hoop was faded 

so I rattle can painted both 
and put a new net on the hoop.

Tile backsplash

Glass tile backsplash is going in.

Unfortunately he ran out of tiles.
The tile has been discontinued, so he had to special order more.

Supposedly it will be here tomorrow.

The backsplash looks better live than in these photos.

Saturday, May 21, 2016


The floor guy is going to be here tomorrow to fix the floors and put the last 2 coats of finish on them.

I feel for him, he is coming back to.
There is wall paint on the floor 
yet the contractor went ahead and put trim in and the painters painted the trim.

Also even though it was 2 days longer than the floor guy said for drying
 the one bedroom was still tacky and the paper stuck to the finish.